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Words On Page: T

  1. to stain one's hands with the blood of
  2. to be worried about the security of one's life
  3. to put (all) one's cards on the table
  4. to involve others in one's fall
  5. to serve one's own ends
  6. to feel assuaged (on account of an adversary's distress)
  7. to have one's haugatiness
  8. to lose all one's wits
  9. to have the gallows in one's face
  10. to have somebody in one's thoughts all the time
  11. to accelerate one's pace
  12. to blow one's lone trumpet
  13. to heed (somebody's words)
  14. to squander away one's money
  15. to seek to strew others' path with thorns
  16. to blame one's luck
  17. to decry one's luck
  18. to dance to some other's tune
  19. to talk a person's head off
  20. to enquire after one's well_being
  21. to have one's vision blurred
  22. to mould one's heart to face the worst
  23. to knowingly burn one's fingers
  24. toluene_p_ sulphondicholoroamide
  25. to work wonders in (one's) writing
  26. to put a spoke in one's wheel
  27. to make stars dance before one's eyes (by a blow etc.)
  28. to pave somebody's way with thorns
  29. to have the stars dance before one's eyes (by a blow etc.)
  30. to call off one's bluff
  31. to die a dog's miserable death
  32. to squander away one's wealth
  33. to live a dog's life
  34. to enquire about one's welfare
  35. to know one's nature
  36. to know one's likes and dislikes
  37. to be a fool for one's pains
  38. to show a short temper to show one's fastidiousness
  39. to lick somebody's shoe
  40. to sow dragon's teeth
  41. thanks_offering—money paid by a client to one's legal counsel (and his clerks) over and above the usual remuneration (for winning a case)
  42. to hold one's head high
  43. to be a slave of (one's) circumstances
  44. tuc
  45. tud
  46. telephone bell
  47. tully
  48. to lose all one's strength
  49. to one's heart's content
  50. to go back (on one's words etc.)